\ Universidade de São Paulo - Sites > MEMÓRIA PPG-PSE > Laboratório > Laboratório de Interação Verbal e Construção de Conhecimento > Article discusses the construction of the psychologist’s identity based on the choice of their theoretical approach

Article discusses the construction of the psychologist’s identity based on the choice of their theoretical approach

Published in February in the journal Human Arenas, the article ”On the Building of Each Psychologist’s Approach’‘ by Mateus Elias Abumanssur and Lívia Mathias Simão (both researchers at the Laboratory of Verbal Interaction and Knowledge Construction/LIVCC, of the PPGPSE) is derived from Abumanssur’s master’s research under Simão’s guidance. Understanding psychology as a field multiplied into diverse approaches, most of which stem from contrasting traditions and epistemological principles, the research aimed to reflect on how psychologists actively construct their approaches and themselves. The central point highlighted here is the agentive role of choice regarding a specific approach, which reflects a way of understanding and organizing the world based on the theoretical assumptions at play in the chosen tradition.

The article is freely accessible thanks to a partnership between Springer and Research Gate.