\ Universidade de São Paulo - Sites > MEMÓRIA PPG-PSE > Laboratório > Laboratório de Interação Verbal e Construção de Conhecimento > New paper: ”Approach to development: Frontier dialogue between sociocultural theories and Bergson”

New paper: ”Approach to development: Frontier dialogue between sociocultural theories and Bergson”

The article, authored by Mónica Reyes-Rojas (Universidad del Magdalena, Colombia), Hernán Sánchez-Ríos (Universidad del Valle, Colombia), and Livia Simão Mathias (University of São Paulo, Brazil), explores perspectives on human development in the works of Lev Vygotsky and Henri Bergson, aiming to uncover similarities, differences, dissonances, and nuances through a comparative method between the two approaches. The discussion is framed within the theoretical framework of Semiotic-Cultural Constructivism(SCC) to investigate the emerging potential for understanding developmental transformations based on symbolic negotiations between self and others.

The paper can be found in the 20th volume of Pensamiento Psicológico.