The product of scientific outreach is not the same as the scientific production. The scientific outreach pressuposes the transposition of the language of academical-scientific productions, knowledges and practices in a acessible language to non-academic public.
The PGP-Experimental Psychology Scientific Outreach Team
The team is composed by post-graduate students (magister and doctorate) responsible for the mediation between solicitation of publications by the laboratories and the official publication channels of the program, contemplating the diversity of research areas in the PGP. The composition of the Team is renewed every semester, giving opportunity to the rotativity of people and new-coming students on the Program.
To contact the Team, e-mail: acontecenoppgpse [at] usp [dot] br
Submission form for content of scientific outreach from the PGP-EPS:
2023.1 Team:
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