Post-Graduation Program-Experimental Psychology (PGP-EPS) is one of the oldests post-graduation programs in Brazil, celebrating 50 years on 2020 with its diversity of research. The construction of this portal intends to open visibility to our productions, register events that marks the practices of out teachers and students on Teathing, Research and University Extension. The memory is here conceived as a living, presentified memory, in a way that what happens in the PGP has the possibility to be registered along of new meaning assigned to past and revisited events.
The PGP-EPS is responsible for the the course of post-graduation in Psychology (Experimental Psychology) and is linked to the Department of Experimental Psychology of the Psychology Institute of Universidade de São Paulo (IPUSP). The functioning of the course was autorized by the CEPE Graduate Chamber, in the 7th of May, 1970, for the level of Magister, and in the 21th of January, 1974, for the level of Doctorate. In the 5th of December, 1980, those levels were credited for the Federal Counsil of Education and accredited along with the CFE 509/86 report and CAPES process
The program has as objective the development of research activities and the formation of human resources, seeking: a) strenghtening of theoretical investigation and experimental and psychological research in the areas of learning, emotion, memory, sensation, perception, motivation, language and cognition, culture, history and philosophy of psychology, seeking a internationalized and frontier scientific production; b) the formation of new researches and teachers qualified for spread and multiplicate these knowledges in other centers of the country and derive from these knowledges practical solutions for regional and social problems; c) to play a role on the formation of psychologits, promoting the participation of students in the supervised systematical investigations, on the analysis of the research areas, in a way that develops the scientific attitude and the methodological reflextion; d) to function as a multidisciplinar integrative context, turned to the comprehension of psychological phenomena.
To the formation of Magister level, we seek to form researches and teachers capacitated for the compregension and articulation between theories and methodologies used in the process of knowledge construction, the episthemological basis articulated by the diverse lines of researcg in de PGP and its inegration in the field of practice. To the Doctorate level, we seek to form researcges and teachers with great autonomy to identify problems and look for solutions to obstacles that present during a research, just as well as capable of propose theoretical, methodological and technological innovations.
We focus on seeking the promotion of researches that may deepen the the impact of knowledge constructed in terms of technology development and application, without losing sight of its systematical articulation with theoretical, experimental and field research abour basic processes, along with the reflextion about the ephistemological, ontological and ethical basis of the approached that guide those researches.
The Program received the maximun concept on the CAPES/PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO evaluation: 7 (Seven) in the last four trienniums (from 2001 to 2012) and in 2013-2016 and 2017-2020 quadrienniuns. In the condition of the oldest Psychology Post-Graduate Program in the country, since its foundation, its evident the effort to colaborate with newer programs, disseminating the accumulated knowledge, sharing challanges and jointly constructing knowledge.
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