Ebook chapter: “Kyringué nhemboe nhevãnga rêgua: learning and teaching to play with other children”
The chapter titled “Chapter 10: Kyringué nhemboe nhevãnga rêgua: learning and teaching to play with other children” was published in the e-book “Critical Practices in School and Educational Psychology: lived experiences on the school ground and their complexities.” This chapter refers to a contribution from researchers Briseida Resende, Maikon Tchaka Mirim Castro, Leandro Karaí Mirim Pires Gonçalves, Paula Rasia Lira, Christina Maria Moretti, and Danilo Silva Guimarães.
The chapter recounts the experiences and reflections resulted from the ”Interethnic Encounters for Playing” project, an initiative of the Indigenous Peoples Care Network linked to the Experimental Psychology Program of the Institute of Psychology at USP. Through this project, Mbya-Guarani children and non-indigenous children attending schools in the city of São Paulo had the opportunity to interact through exchanges of letters, videos, and meetings at the House of Indigenous Cultures (IPUSP). After the encounters, a questionnaire was administered to assess the views of non-indigenous children before and after the project’s interventions. The result of this intervention suggests the importance of interethnic dialogues for mutual understanding of indigenous history and heritage, as well as ensuring indigenous protagonism in the narrative of events that involve them.
The full content of the chapter is available for free through this link.