
Participation in the 32nd ABPMC Meeting

Logo do 32º Encontro da ABPMC, contendo o slogan Logo do 32º Encontro da ABPMC.

The Brazilian Association of Behavioral Sciences (ABPMC) Meeting annually brings together professionals in the field, providing scientific communication and integration between researchers from all over Brazil. Congresses and scientific meetings are fundamental spaces for the training of researchers and the advancement of science, as criticism, suggestions and exchange of ideas are carried out in a faster and more dynamic way than what occurs in scientific communication in the form of articles. Participation in congresses and the production of articles are, then, two forms of scientific communication that complement each other.

The Biobehavioral Analysis Laboratory was represented by five of its current members at the ABPMC Meeting: Guilherme Hoffman, master’s student, and Gabriel Terhoch and Sofia Araújo, doctoral students, presented the experimental work they developed during their master’s degree. Respectively, the works are entitled: Effects of Self-Imposed Time-Out of fixed or free duration; Aggression induced by loss of points attributed to different origins: methodological and experimental issues; Effects of extinction on different levels of negatively reinforced behavioral variability. André Martins and Samanta Tibério, master’s students in the same laboratory, presented theoretical works that composed the symposium “Possibilities for critical action by behavior analysts in State institutions”.

The researchers reported that it was enriching to get in touch with Brazilian researchers and professors who, until then, they had only met online. They also said that the scientific communication of their work diversified the event’s programming and contributed to ensuring that Behavior Analysis is not composed of clinical action detached from experimental research and critical reflection.